Prepare to fall DEEPLY in love with my latest, newly improved, Sugar-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie – The Keto Lupin Flour Chocolate Chip Cookie! This is my second keto chocolate chip cookie recipe on this blog, but it features a new blend of low carb, gluten-free, “flours” that includes Lupin flour! We FINALLY have a keto chocolate chip cookie with perfect crinkles in the top, a lightly crispy exterior, and a soft slightly gooey and chewy middle JUST like a real the real deal ‘carby’ chocolate chip cookie (AHEM – tollhouse I’m talking bout u)! The perfect keto cookie is achieved by adding lupin flour to my original recipe (which was strictly almond flour), slightly reducing amount of sugar-free sweetener, and adding a refined baking technique (I present you the….. PAN-BANGING method)! Those who have tested this recipe (even carb eaters!), have told me it is seriously the BEST keto chocolate chip recipe they have ever tried! It’s AS CLOSE as you can get to a carb filled cookie, but without the GUILT 🙌 and ALL healthy ingredients!!!

I’ve already written about my serious LOVE of chocolate chip cookies in my original, first recipe for Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies, so I don’t feel the need to bore you with it again. BUT, I will just reiterate that I pride myself on being a chocolate chip cookie connoisseur. If you knew how many batches of chocolate chip cookies I have baked in my life, you’d BE SHOCKED (or maybe disgusted, or maybe IMPRESSED…) lol 🤣. I used to, back in the B.K. ERA aka, ‘Before Keto‘ (over 2.5 years ago now), bake fresh gooey, chewy, carby chocolate chip cookies AT LEAST once a week. They were my all time favorite treat (okay, one of them, because the real list of dessert favorites is quite lengthy). That’s A LOT of cookies- so I HOPE that means I’ve got a decent idea of what makes or breaks a chocolate chip cookie!
In my first two months of doing Keto, NEEDING TO FILL MY BELOVED CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE VOID, I tested loads of others’ keto chocolate chip cookie recipes (I was still learning the ins and outs of keto baking baking then!) as well as testing many of my own experiments, and I realized there was a HUGE need for SOMEBODY to perfect the art of a soft centered, almost chewy, and a little gooey KETO CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE! I mean, personally, I NEEDED IT for my own survival. I KNEW there was a way it COULD be done. So, I tested and tested and tested until I thought I seriously had the best keto chocolate chip cookie. I couldn’t get all the crinkles and the wrinkles, but I achieved the texture I was aiming for (ie. a soft centered ‘tollhouse’ style cookie), and that ended up being one of my first recipe posts when I started this blog actually!
Back when I created that first original recipe (the purely almond flour version), I called it “THE BEST” keto chocolate chip cookie. LOL (as I LAUGH NOW). Because, well …at the time, it was the best I had tried of ANY of my own or others. NOW, I shamefully MUST take back that braggy statement . Because something is only THE BEST, until you find something BETTER. It was and is still is I think the best all ALMOND flour keto chocolate chip cookie, (especially compared to everything else out there), but it is no longer THE BEST keto chocolate chip cookie in general! I DEFINITELY far surpassed it with THIS RECIPE!!! As long as I have lupin flour here, this IS ,hands down, this familie’s favorite friday night treat recipe.

BECAUSE, MY FRIENDS, THIS RECIPE TRULY IS THE BEST GLUTEN-FREE, SUGAR-FREE KETO CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE RECIPE OUT THERE. And, it’s one of the only ones you will find (at least as of right now) that uses the revolutionary and very low carb (and high protein) lupin flour in it (which is a big part of the magic here!!!).
Okay, I guess I should say… this is the best if you like tollhouse or Mrs. Fields style cookies. Because this isn’t a super crispy chocolate chip cookie [aka dry – cough, cough]. Some people like that. WHY? I will never know….. but in my opinion, if my chocolate chip cookies are not soft, gooey, almost like they’re underbaked in the center (but they’re not, don’t worry), then it’s JUST NOT a proper chocolate chip cookie (thanks again tollhouse for FOREVER steering my opinion of a great cookie, seriously :)).
Make this recipe a family affair & favorite too! It’s easy enough that kids can absolutely help make them! My 4 year even had a hand in my recipe creation of this (literally …. her hands were going all up IN THE RECIPE every chance she got lol!). I don’t know think I really know anyone who doesn’t have fond childhood memories of helping mom (or dad) make chocolate chip cookies. JUST because you’re doing keto or eating low carb does NOT mean you should have to lose out on those precious memories with your kids. I also won’t forget to mention that I had a number of kids (in my volunteer recipe tester group + my own little one) test this sugar-free, low carb chocolate chip recipe and I got a big time thumbs up from every single one! Healthy cookies that kids will LOVE?!?! YES, PUHLEASE!!!
So anyways, lets get to the specifics of making this Keto Lupin Flour Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe!!!!
I do have some strongly recommended suggestions for you when making this recipe. I am adamant that you read and follow these suggestions if you want to actually achieve the best Keto Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Ever, mmmmmmk????? 🙂 BECAUSE trust me, friends- these little things listed below MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE in your final cookie. 🙂
Tips To Making These Keto Lupin Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies PERFECT Every Time:
The reason, I am adamant about these suggestions being followed, is because I have already had over 50 people test this recipe, and I have learned all the little variables that can affect the FINAL cookie, even in such a simple recipe as this one!!! And…. of course, A quick thank you to those of my instagram followers (@fatkitchenblog is my instagram) who offered to test this recipe for me (before I even finalized it) because I seriously felt the love to have so many volunteers!!!!! ❤
Before I dive in, Don’t miss the RECIPE Video for this (my second recipe video ever, which I’m quite proud of LOL since I have no idea Clue what I’m doing when creativing recipe VIDEOS)
Here’s what we can do to make sure these keto lupin flour chocolate chip cookies come out EXACTLY like mine and are perfect every time! 🙂
1.) Use a scale to measure your dry ingredients.
Normally, on a simple recipe such as cookies, I wouldn’t ask you to use a scale. On a highly technical recipe, such as My Keto Low carb Brioche Buns, I definitely DO require it (because flours are finnicky to measure and you really need precision for bread to come out EXACTLY right). My brioche bun recipe actually also uses LUPIN FLOUR, just like these Keto Lupin Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies 🙂 I found with my volunteer recipe testers that LUPIN flour is 100% the culprit of accidental fails with this recipe. It can change the texture of these cookies COMPLETELY depending on how much or how little you pack it into your measuring devices (BUT, lupin flour is also responsible for those beautiful perfect crinkles in these cookies and the great texture so it’s must in this recipe) . I tested measuring the amount of lupin flour differently in my Tablespoon (ie packing it in more or less), which yielded ONLY a 3 GRAM difference than this recipe lists, (that’s the equivalent of a VERY SMALL DIFFERENCE in the amount of lupin flour), and it made a totally different cookie (CAKEY and drier, rather than ones that spread well and were soft and chewy in the middle!). Lupin Flour acts kind-of like coconut flour (without the grit of coconut flour-I like it MUCH MUCH more than coconut flour!) where it is powerfully absorbant and will suck up all the moisture in your recipes. SO, that being said, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, measure using a scale to get these PERFECT!!! If these don’t turn out perfect and you ask me why, the first thing I’m going to ask, is if you weighed your dry ingredients or not! Scales = PRECISION.
This kitchen scale is one of my favorite scales because it’s cheap, it’s free shipping with amazon, and it’s SUPER reliable!!!! I use mine to measure the weight of my cooked meats even, when I’m REALLY tracking my calories carefully so I can reach a weight loss goal. So, if you’ve never considered using a scale for a recipe before, know that you can use it for so much more than just this amazing keto chocolate chip recipe 🙂 Not to mention, you should try my low carb brioche buns as well (becaase you use your lupin flour AND scale for those!!).
2.) Use Room Temperature, Salted, Butter (NOT melted butter).
If you’re a poor planner when it comes to knowing WHEN you’re going to decide you want to devour a pan of keto lupin flour chocolate chip cookies ( because sometimes your girl just NEEDS some cookies ASAP, AMIRITE? ), then know, you don’t need that much time to soften up your butter!!! But DON’T, I REPEAT, DON’T melt all your butter in the microwave out of eagerness and haste. If you’re making these last minute, then all you need to do is take your butter out of the fridge, Cut it into 4 smaller cubes , and let it sit out for about 30 -60 minutes on the counter. That’s it. I assure you, the smaller pieces and that little bit of time will soften it up plenty to use in this recipe!!! 🙂 If you happen to be a good planner (unlike me), then just take the butter out and leave it on the counter the night before baking this recipe 🙂
Please NOTE: if you’re reading this now, that means you should probably GO RUN TO YOUR FRIDGE, take out a stick of butter, cut it into smaller pieces, and leave it on the counter SO you can MAKE THESE COOKIES IN 30-60 minutes!!! Okay? NOW, GO!
4.) Roll these cookies into balls for baking, and DO NOT flatten.
As tempting as it may be to flatten out your round dough balls (like many other keto recipes call for) before baking, DON’T. Both the amount of butter and the added baking soda in this recipe, are strategically added because they make the cookies SPREAD during baking. The secret to making soft gooey centered cookies with a crispy exterior is to let them naturally spread while in the oven! This is part of the magic that keeps the cookies soft and slightly chewy right in the center (the BEST part of the cookie)! So, just don’t flatten your round dough balls and you’ll be happy you didn’t 🙂
5.) DO NOT OVERBAKE. These Cookies Look DECIEVINGLY UNDERDONE, When They’re Finished Baking.
Keto Sweetener (sugar subtitutes) basically turn into a liquid when they’re hot, so these cookies will look deceivingly UNDERDONE when they’re actually NOT underdone. 🙂 Even after I have been baking with these sweeteners for a few years and KNOW what to expect, my mind still makes me question whether I took them out too soon or not. So I expect you will too! But…. EVERY time I take them out and they look underdone, they never fail to get firm after they’re COMPLETELY cool (thats because of the keto sweeteners firming &crisping up AFTER they’ve cooled). Even though they will look gooey still, don’t be tempted to continue baking because they can quickly get overbaked and burnt (even though they will still look gooey when they’re totally overcooked!). Can you leave them in an extra minute or so? Sure, just know -that they will get crispier and crispier as they cool, and the crispier they are the drier they’ll taste later. They may or may not burn, depending on your oven, but no matter what they will STILL look too soft and underdone in the middle even if they’re WAY overbaked.
Since you can’t judge by how soft and gooey the tops look whether they’re done or not, The KEY to knowing if they’re getting overbaked or not is to look at the edges of the cookie. If the edges are starting to turn golden brown, then they’re PERFECT. If the edges are starting to turn DARK brown, then they’re OVERDONE ( and they’re going to taste burnt and dry). If the edges aren’t golden brown yet at all, then they’re not quite ready yet. I have included VERY specific baking times in the instructions depending on the number of cookies you get (because bigger cookies bake longer!); however, every oven bakes a little different regardless of my guide. So you may have to play with the precise time for your specific oven. Some of my recipe testers said 10.5 minutes was perfect, some said 11.5 minutes was the trick. It ALL depends on your oven and the EXACT size of your cookies , and unfortunately these cookies can actually be over baked (in my opinion becuase remember soft centered cookies to me = LIFE) in a matter of 30 seconds! Crazy, I know.

SO…. When you try these for the first time, Take them out when the edges are just turning golden brown – the tops will look puffy, SUPER GOOEY and UNDERDONE (yes, I know I’m being repetitive here!), but TRUST that once they cool after baking, they will look totally different and actually hold together. They don’t look LIKE my pictures do UNTIL they’re cooled completely (the wrinkles come during cooling as they sink in the middle and the keto sweetener crisps up finally!!!). Note the exact time you bake them, so if they’re aren’t crispy enough or soft enough to your liking, then you can adjust the precise time the next time you make them tailored to your own oven! 🙂
Also, DO NOT attempt to pick up or transfer these keto lupin flour chocolate chip cookies OFF of your baking tray UNTIL THEY HAVE COOLED for AT LEAST 15 minutes! They will just break and fall apart when they are still warm!!! I know waiting on hot cookies is the hardest thing in the world, but you gotta trust me they will get ruined if you try too early.
6.) BANG that PAN after baking if you want extra cookie cracks and crinkles.
Since these cookies were created to spread naturally in the oven, they do create a few wrinkles and crinkles in the top of the cookies after they’re baked and have cooled down completely. HOWEVER, I have discovered a lovely little trick that can help CREATE a few EXTRA crinkles in the top if you so desire (yes, I used this method for the cookies in my pictures!!!!).
This is called the “PAN-BANGING” Method. Here’s what you do:
After the cookies have JUST finished baking (the edges are just turning golden brown but the tops still look very gooey), and they’ve been taken out of the oven (REMINDER: THEY WILL STILL LOOK VERY UNDERDONE IN THE CENTER, EVEN WHEN THEY”RE ACTUALLY DONE)…. THEN, you hold on to your baking pan (with an OVEN mitt obviously) and bang your baking pan down onto the counter once or twice while they’re still hot. You’ll notice one or two new cracks in the cookie after “the pan-bang” (and you will probably STILL think to yourself that they aren’t done yet ….but don’t give in to to putting them back into the oven!. Then, just let them cool as is on the baking sheet for at least 15 minutes before trying to eat one or remove them. This method will yield cookies that have just a few more crinkles in the top after they cool than ones that have not had a quickie “PAN-BANG” after baking 🙂 Try it, and let me know what you think!
Brands of Ingredients and Substitution Options:
With the many lovely and kind volunteer recipe testers I had for this keto lupin flour chocolate chip cookie recipe, I confirmed my continued beliefs that the brand of the ingredients really do matter. Unfortunately, there are also NO substitutions for the lupin flour in this recipe, because that IS THE MAGIC INGREDIENT here. Here are the brands that I highly recommend because they work the best in this recipe!
Lupin Flour:
I STRONGLY recommend this “Lupina Brand” of Lupin Flour, for the best taste AND texture! Some Lupin flours have higher carb counts and honestly most of them taste TERRIBLE. Lupin beans, what Lupin Flour is made from, can actually have quite a bitter taste! Lupin beans are high in protein and very low in carbs, and actually holds together really well (similar to gluten in some ways) which is why the lupin flour makes a fantastic addition to Keto recipes. I have tested MANY brands of lupin flour and the brand you use is very important! The only other brand that would be a second recommendation is this Miracle Flour (Lupin Flour), and I actually ONLY recommend it for some reason you can’t find LUPINA brand. The Miracle Flour brand acted the same as the Lupina Brand in recipe testing; however, I find it has a slightly bitter taste in comparison. It’s still quite edible though, just not my FIRST pick (but I assure you I keep some in my pantry so it’s not horrible!) 🙂
Almond Flour:
You want to use a very finely ground almond flour that is blanched in this recipe. Using almond ‘meal’ (not finely ground & usually not blanched) will result in grainy cookies. There are many brands of almond flour (so many that I haven’t tested them ALL), but I have TWO absolute favorites that are the only two that I use and recommend. I’ve never needed to test other brands because these two are the best of the best in my opinion! The Anthony’s Brand of Almond Flour or the Kirkland Brand of Almond Flour are BOTH very similar – they’re LOWER in carbs (only 2 grams of net carbs per 1/4 cup), very finely ground, blanched, and affordable! You can find both brands on amazon (links are above), and you can also find the Kirkland Brand at COSTCO (kirkland is their own in line brand) for a really affordable price!!! I use the kirkland brand usually (because costco is LIFE), unless I’ve run out, then I reach for the Anthony’s and I’ve never noticed a difference between the two.
The Sweetener:
Using a ‘golden‘ keto-friendly sweetener (as a substitute from ‘brown sugar’) is IMPORTANT in this recipe. I’ve always been of the opinion that chocolate chips cookies NEED ‘brown sugar’ vibes to be a real chocolate chip cookie (again, thanks TOLLHOUSE), which is why I use this GOLDEN LAKANTO sweetener. It’s totally keto- friendly, as it has no effect on blood glucose levels, is made from monkfruit, is 0 net carbs, and I personally feel like it has the least ‘cooling effect’ (which is common in keto sweeteners used in high amounts). It also helps to give these cookies a very LIGHT crisp on the exterior (after they’ve cooled down completely). I had a few recipe testers that used either this Brown Swerve (made with erythritol) or this Sukrin Gold, that had no issues and said they tasted great with them. You’re welcome to use those in place of golden lakanto in this recipe if you prefer them or just have them on hand already! 🙂 As much as I love Allulose (what I use in my keto salted caramel recipe and many other recipes!), you don’t want to substitute it in this recipe. It’s not good at crisping up so it would cause your cookies to spread like crazy and vitually turn into goo, since these cookies are designed to spread already with the ratio of butter to low carb ‘flours’ & crisp up perfectly BECAUSE of the monkfruit (or erythritol if you so choose).

Now, please enjoy this AMAZING crinkly, soft centered, lightly crisp exterior keto lupin flour chocolate chip cookie recipe!!! And don’t forget to watch the recipe video including in the recipe post below as a guide! I didn’t show the ‘pan-bang’ method in it (because I forgot to film the cookies right when I take them out of the oven- dangit!!), but thats a simple step to add in if you want to try it. 🙂 Don’t forget to tag me @fatkitchenblog on instagram if you make these, and let me know what you think!!!
Keto Lupin Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Total Time: 31 minute
- Yield: 12 cookies 1x
Sugar-Free, Gluten-Free, Keto Chocolate Chip cookies that ACTUALY look and taste like the real deal!!! With crinkles in the top, a lightly crispy exterior but a soft and chewy middle, these cookies are PERFECT. The magic of these Low Carb Lupin Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies is in the added lupin flour and the special cookie dough rolling and pan banging method. 🙂 Don’t forget to watch the RECIPE VIDEO!
*** Please note, I have added weights for the ingredients that are important to measure precisely! Please weigh your keto ‘flours’ to achieve the correct texture! Here’s an affordable but reliable kitchen scale if you need one.
* RECIPE VIDEO for this recipe is below the instructions 🙂
- 1/2 Cup Golden Lakanto (Brown Swerve may be substituted here)
- (114 grams) 1 Stick of softened, Salted Butter (at room temperature, not melted) *see note 1
- 2 egg yolks
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- scant 1/4 teaspoon Salt (a scant measure measure, means ‘slightly less than’)
- (155 grams) 1.25 cups + 2 Tablespoons of Almond Flour (recommend Anthony’s Brand or Kirkland Brand for best texture & lower carbs)
- (13 grams) 2 Tablespoons of Lupin Flour ( Lupina Flour Brand is my only recommendation here!)
- 1/2 Cup of Lily’s Sugar-Free Chocolate Chips
- Lily’s Chocolate Bar, Chopped into chunks (to press into the cookie top like my photos)
- Preheat Oven to 350°F.
- Combine Lupin Flour and Almond Flour in a bowl and whisk until combined. Set Aside.
- Cream Softened Butter and Golden Lakanto together with a hand mixer or stand-mixer until smooth and semi-fluffy. Add in egg yolks, baking powder, baking soda, vanilla extract, and salt and mix briefly until smooth. Add in Lupin Flour/Almond Flour blend and mix until it looks like a sticky and chunky dough (see recipe video if needed). Fold in Lily’s Chocolate Chocolate Chips with a spatula.
- Line a Baking Sheet with Silpat Baking Mat (ungreased) or parchment paper. With your hands, grab some dough and roll into 11-12 round balls (the dough will be a little sticky), and place them on your lined baking sheet AT LEAST 2 INCHES apart because they will spread quite a bit. Do not flatten the dough balls. This should make 11-12 large cookie dough balls about 1.5 inches or slightly larger in diameter. Please note, that if you make more or less cookies than that (therefore larger or smaller cookies than mine) your bake time in the next step will be slightly different. Gently press in a few extra chocolate chips or Lily’s Chocolate Chunks (made from a Lily’s Chocolate Bar, chopped) into the top of each cookie dough ball.
- Bake your cookie dough balls for 11-12.5 minutes (if you made 11 – 12 cookie dough balls as recommended). *If you made 10-11 dough balls (larger cookies than mine), then bake for 13 – 13.5 minutes. If you made 13-14 cookies (smaller cookies than mine), then bake for 10 minutes.* The cookies will look very underdone even when they ARE done, because they don’t crisp up until they’ve cooled completely because of the keto sweetener in them (TRUST ME ON THIS, the texture changes dramatically when cooled). You will know when they’re done if the edges of your cookies are turning golden brown. *If the edges are not golden brown, then they aren’t quite done & If the edges are turning darker brown, then they are OVERDONE (and may taste burnt).* It can be a little tricky to get down to the exact second they’re done, because they will always appear gooey and underdone in the middle (EVEN IF THEY”RE OVERDONE!). *IF YOU WANT EXTRA CRINKLES AND CRACKS in the top of your cookies, then right after you take the cookie tray out of the oven, while they’re still hot, and bang your baking pan down onto the counter once or twice (with the cookies still on it of course). You will see an extra crack or two in each cookie when you bang it down (and yes, they’ll look very UNDERDONE, REMEMBER!). Those cracks won’t ruin your cookies, because they’ll firm up and hold together still AFTER the cool down, and they look awesome later.
- Let your cookies cool on the baking sheet for AT LEAST 15 minutes before transferring or eating (THEY WILL BE TOO SOFT TO PICK UP WHEN HOT). Eat when they’re cooled, but JUST barely warm for a really soft center! Or enjoy after completely cooling all the cookies, up to 4-5 days later (stored at room temperature in a tupperware with a lid). If you enjoy the centers extra soft, then simply heat cooled cookies (even days later) for exactly 10 seconds in the microwave and then ENJOY! 🙂
Note 1: If you are making these last minute and do not have softened butter, then DO NOT melt your butter in the microwave. Instead, cut your stick of butter into 4 slices, separate the butter chunks, and leave on the counter for 30-60 minutes. It will soften up much quicker this way!
Note 2: These are pretty easy to ACCIDENTALLY overbake them, becuase keto sweeteners don’t FIRM up until they’ve cooled off (they’re liquid when hot!). When you try this recipe for the first time, take them out when the edges are just turning golden brown – the tops will look puffy, SUPER GOOEY and UNDERDONE , but TRUST that once they cool after baking, they will look totally different and actually hold together. They don’t look LIKE my pictures do UNTIL they’re cooled completely (the wrinkles come during cooling as they sink in the middle and the keto sweetener crisps up finally!!!). Note the exact time you bake them, so if they’re aren’t crispy enough or soft enough to your liking, then you can adjust the precise time the next time you make them tailored to your own oven! All ovens run slightly warmer or cooler than the next oven 🙂
Net Carbs = 1.25 g net carbs Per serving (1 large cookie) with everything included!
*Sugar alcohols from erythritol or monkfruit are not counted in total net carbs, since they do NOT affect blood sugar levels (they’re effectively 0 net carbs)! Carb counts vary based on the brands of each item used. My calculations are for the brands listed/suggested.
- Prep Time: 5 minutes
- Cook Time: 11-13 minutes
- Serving Size: 1 Cookie (1/12th of recipe)
- Calories: 162.75
- Fat: 15.6 g
- Carbohydrates: 1.25 g (NET carbs)
- Protein: 3.75 g
These cookies are AMAZING! This is the perfect recipe for soft, delicious chocolate chip cookies. I’ve never had a keto cookie that tastes better. These even rival real chocolate chip cookies! Follow this recipe exactly and you will not be disappointed. This is my go to recipe forever.
THank you janine!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 So glad you love them !!!!!
followed the amazingly detailed instructions to the letter and these are seriously amazing!!! So worth biting the lupin flour. I couldn’t find the brand recommended so I went with Aviate brand on Amazon. I don’t feel there is any bitter or off flavor. A lot of keto cookies struggle to find the right balance of sweetness. These are perfection!
Hands down the best cookies I’ve ever had. So delicious. I followed the instructions exactly and I am happy I did. Thank you
YAY!!! I am so glad you liked them! 🙂
Question how can I turn these into chocolate chip pumpkin cookies
These recipes are way too wordy. Tried to print it, 3 pages full of unnecessary commentary.
I understand the blog post has a ton of info, but why rewrite it into the recipe? We don’t need 100 different instructions added into the thing with the different recommendations, specific instructions (“mix with spatula” … really?)
Your audience isn’t stupid. Please just write a regular recipe with regular instructions. The format exists as it is for a reason.
Hello! I am sorry for the abundance of information. Not everyone knows their way around the kitchen, so I try to write my recipes in a way that will tailor to all levels and will also ensure my audience’s cookies come out exactly the same way as mine. These cookies actually DO NOT turn out the same if they are overmixed, hence, why I have added to stop using a mixer, and use a spatula near the end. And actually this isn’t a REGULAR recipe. It’s a keto recipe — and…. if you haven’t discovered yet, keto recipes are not as forgiving as regular flour ones. Precision makes perfect.
Hi Charisse
Please continue to write detailed instructions!!! I LOVE them. I assure you I’m not stupid at all, nor am i new to baking but I AM new to keto baking and need these instructions.
I just restarted keto again on Monday. I found your brioche bun recipe and ordered what i could from amazon. In Canada i couldn’t get the right wheat gluten but thanks to your detailed post I knew what to stay from. Anyway just to let you know that im now the envy of my keto friends because these were awesome. A little chewy (aka not right wheat gluten) but holy cow.. amazing.
I just made the cookies and i followed the recipe but it doesn’t look like yours. Im considering that my oven runs hot and i need to adjust. Anyway i have to say that they taste GREAT! Better than great!
Thank you for introducing me to new flours and golden lacanto. Please don’t stop posting detailed recipes. Like ever. Foreva eva.
awwwww Melody!!! This makes me so happy!!!! I have had a few comment or message me about how my instructions are ridiculously long and annoying ha! But… I would rather you know more about what I’m doing, and why, and have a better chance for recreating, even if it means more words 😉 low carb flours and doughs can be tricky, and the brands and the process matter so much! In testing my own recipes, even I would change the outcome dramatically if I did something in a different order or slightly altered something (and I had to learn to WRITE lots of details in each recipe test for MYSELF haha!) I am so glad to hear you had success!!! What brand of vital wheat gluten did you find and use in canada? I had a few message me on instagram with some trouble finding a good brand in canada, and I didn’t know what to recommend! thanks for sharing!!!
Yes thank you so much! The more details the better IMO
We can just scroll (like I do because I consistently use this recipe and website) and get to the recipe quickly if needed.
I’ve made these numerous times and even when I messed up (melted butter lol) they still tasted amazing!
But when I followed your instructions exactly – they were just perfect! Thank you for all of your hard work- I can stick to my keto diet and have my favorite thing. You are a life saver – literally! 😆
I just discovered your blog with these choc chip cookies and read through all of your details…FINALLY a person who doesn’t leave a million questions on procedures & products to chance.
I am 100% gonna make these choc chip cookies tomorrow and want you to thank you for writing so much detail, so many tries and your final best results. .
Please don’t stop on the details, and GREAT job defending yourself.
Well said. I just finished making a batch of these and they turned out GREAT! I am a terrible baker and a very goid cook who has done recipe development for commercial value added meals, and I appreciated every word. Don’t change a thing. Pasta tomorrow!
I love it when someone gets a free recipe and then instead of saying thank you for the person who wasted her ingredient, time and energy time & again testing this and then trying to be as detailed as possible, you go on an obnoxious rant and ridiculule her generosity. Unbelievable.
I agree!! The more instructions the better. It’s easy to copy/paste and print out only what you need. Geez!
All you have to do is copy and paste the recipe text into a Word document and print from there. Or you can try to highlight just what you want to print and Print Selection.
I followed the recipe but my cookies didn’t spread as much in the oven and stayed in a dome shape even though the edges were brown. Is there a a specific rack you bake on? I started on the middle rack then noticed they weren’t spreading much so I put them on the top rack towards the end but that didn’t make a difference. They smell amazing though. Hopefully once they cool they will turn out like yours! The recipe was easy to follow, thanks!
The commentary says to bang the pan as you take them out of the oven to flatten them and give them cracks
It says to bang them for more cracks, not to flatten them. You read something that isn’t there.
These are my FAVORITE chocolate chip cookies. I make these to give to family and friends who are following a low carb diet. My kids ask me to make them as well and they’re not even full keto! Today is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, so I’m getting ready to make these for the kids. 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed recipe.
I’m sure these are delicious with almond flour. Do you think you could experiment with a coconut flour/lupin flour blend? I have to stop using almond flour, so I’ve just started experimenting with coconut flour, but I wanted to try adding some lupin, which is how I found your site.
HI susan. Personally, I cannot stand coconut flour! Sorry just my personal opinion, so I don’t use it many recipes at all. It can be benefiicial, in certain recipes, but in my opinion it doesn’t make a good cookie 🙁 Coconut flour also needs additional eggs and hydration. Usually you need only 1/4 the amount of coconut flour as you would almond flour as well. So unfortunately, its not as easy as just subbing it for almond (requires other additions!). I have not tested it at all with lupin flour yet! Sorry I can’t advise more!!
The best low carb chocolate chips cookies. Thank you for taking the time for sharing all the tips especially the banging of the pan, that’s the trick!Definitely the best chocolate chip cookie!
awwww yay! So glad you like them!!! Yes that PAN BANG is vital 🙂 I stupidly forgot to add it in the recipe video (dangit!).
Yay ! Thank you so much for the feedback! and yes I agree, that pan bang is the besttttt trick!!!
Have you tried making these cookies with NO almond flour, just lupin flour? I can’t deal with almond flour. It is not a good flavor as far as I’m concerned. Just wondering why no one seems to do this if lupin is so awesome. Does it not taste good if you use more than a couple of tablespoons?
Lupin flour doesn’t make a base of its own very well can be bitter and oveall just better when used in conjunction with other low carb flours.
Hi Debbie! Lupin Flour taste terrible actually when you use 100% of it! The lupina brand has the best taste IMO, but the highest percentage I have used in a recipe without it sacfrificing taste and texture is around 45% of the flour mix. These cookies will be chewier with more of it. Lupin flour is about twice as absorbant as almond flour though as well, so you don’t need as much of it. I foudn this recipe with only a little lupin, gives you a great texture without sacrificing any flavor. In low carb bread recipes, and in low carb pasta I have had the most success with the higher ratios of lupin.
Like a few of the posters, I also hate the taste of almond flour. I use in it’s place fine hazelnut meal and it does the job really well. Regarding Lupin flour – you mentioned that you’ve only used it up to 45% of the flour mix. I’m actually a huge fan of lupin flour and I’ve used it quite successfully in a few of my recipes as the only flour (so 100%). However – I am lucky enough to be here in Australia where I use the Lotus Lupin Flour brand (Australian grown). Wow – this stuff is awesome. I have.a muffin recipe that I make which just uses Lupin Flour only (along of course with the other ingredients – cream, eggs, butter etc). And they turn out like little moist muffins with a very slight flavour of banana (which, I guess, comes from this particular Lupin flour). Just some info in case this helps someone. Anyway – of course a big thank you to yourself for sharing your wonderful recipes and all the hard work that you put into this blog. Very much appreciated. This way of eating is so critical to so many people’s health and people like yourself – spreading the good word about Keto and sharing their recipes – has been the reason why so many of us are succeeding on this keto journey and regaining our health. Cheers!
could you share your favorite recipe with lupin flour? thank you! do you have a brownies recipe with it,
I don’t usually bother to review recipes, but my god these are perfect. Thank you thank you thank you for this gift to mankind!
Kat- thank you for reviewing! I too am terrible at reviewing other people’s recipes if i try them – ha! So KNOW how much I appreciate you doing so!!! I am SO glad you liked them!!!!!! 🙂 YAY!!!!!
Question: Can you use unsalted butter? I tried another cookie recipe with salted butter and the cookies were way too salty. Since then I only use unsalted with a pinch of salt added to the dough. Just ordered the lupin flour and am excited to try these out!
I had strong doubts, since every recipe I’ve tried with lupin flour has ended up in the trash, still, this used only a small amount so I gave it a shot. Wow! Definitely the best keto-friendly chocolate cookies I’ve had. I made them in two batches of six, since I’m using a counter-top oven. The first batch I didn’t smash down at all, and they didn’t spread much, so they were pretty thick. The second batch I smashed down just a little, and they came out just right for thickness. All were quite delicious. Now I don’t have to throw out all that expensive lupin flour! I think that I will need to make just a half batch next time. They are sooo good, that they may be dangerous to have around!
Finally…a keto chocolate chip cookie that was so good it fooled my family. My husband and daughter are chocolate chip cookie junkies, and for years (my husband, 24, and my daughter from the time she could eat them) would demand my Nana’s recipe for cookies–and ONLY her cookies.
I happened to come across your recipe one day and decided, what the hey, and took a chance.
FOOLED THEM BOTH. They ate the whole pan in one sitting between them, and they didn’t believe me when I told them they were keto till I showed them the second pan I had in the oven.
SCORE ONE FOR MOM! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the best keto chocolate chip cookies ever!
while these still had that “almond flour keto-y” texture (I even sifted my flour) they were delicious. Thank you for all your hard work
These were awesome and I’m so happy my prediabetic ass gets eat a solid chic chip cookie without too much h guilt! Think my oven runs a little hot so it overcooked the edges too quickly, but that’s completely on me. Hubby was even a fan. Thank you so much for all the work you put into the recipes and all the thought that goes into making sure people are successful, I’m going to bravely attempt donuts/brioche buns next (but with non-recommended brands oooop).
Do you think I could try vital wheat gluten instead of almond flour? Almond flour and I don’t like each other!
Whaaaaaaat!?! I was super skeptical and these are amazing! Thank you so much for your detailed recipe!
Im about to try this recipe as it came highly recommended from a collegue.. As Im a professional Pastry chef weighing is a habit Im accustomed to and thrilled to see a non professional english written recipe using weights in Grams!. My only question and I may not be the only one who would like to know what size sheet pan you are using or requiring ( looks like a half sheet by american terms). As I have at least 5 different sizes in my kitchens and silpats to go with each. I can obviously figure out usung your explanation regarding the distance between cookies and the volume of the finished batter but it might be helpful to put into the recipe what size sheet pan you recommend for the single size batch of dough etc. I like to set up my mise en place ahead of starting the recipe. Lupin is a totally new ingredient for me so Im anxious to do this as you explain ( at least the first time) Then I might allow myself to play with add ins and flavors
etc. Im very excited to try these. They look like they could be real game changers. Havinggiven up pastries and sweets ( yes I still work with them But I no longer eat them) over 10 years ago I have yet to be truly bowled over by any of the replacements for sugar ( I do Like Swerve brown sugar) and flours ( almond flour or Hazelnut are my current go to’s but they each have binding issues and crumb issues Im not fond of coconut flour ) Im hoping Lupin will open up the door to doing more baked products successfully. Thanks for posting this recipe!!!
Oh. My. Goodness! I do not usually comment on recipes at all but I just had to with this one. I’ve been keto for a long time. I’ve tried so so many choc chip and other biscuit recipes and they always feel like a compromise. This recipe is just perfect, the cookies taste so good. The raw dough tastes so good. This will be my go to recipe forever and I can tick another ‘found a perfect keto substitute’ box to keep me on track. Thank you so much for developing and sharing this.
I was out of lakanto brown, so used lakanto classic. I also cut up a well naturally sugar free chocolate bar because I didn’t have sugar free choc chips. Still perfect.
I am doing keto for almost 7 years now, I am always on the search for revolutionary recipes that will make my life “easier” and help satisfy my cravings for “real” (non-keto) pastries (cookies, breads etc,.) After reading your blog I could not resist and was finally convinced to order the Lupina lupin flour(I just gave up on every recipe that called for it, until now).And I am so happy I did, YOUR COOKIES ARE EXACTLY WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR a recipe that a non-keto eater would find AMAZING.
Thank you so much for sharing your fantastic recipe! I love the level of detail – this is so thoughtful! You really make sure we get the same results as you do and my cookies came out like a replica of your photo! which is so RARE when following keto recipes!!! Amazing! (please ignore any comment asking you to do anything else – Your recipe is written PERFECTLY.
looking forward to try all your other recipes! already ordered the oat fiber you recommended (by the way I tried Nunaturals’s one in the past and feel the same way about it as you do(always subbed it with coconut flour cause I thought I hate the taste) thanks for helping me find a good brand!!)
When you double the recipe, do you really not change the amount of butter and flour? Those measurements stay the same when I click the button at the top of the recipe.
All I can say is “WOW!!!” These were amazing. My teen daughter, who is a low carb skeptic, loved these. They taste just like any decadent choc chip cookie. Will definitely be making these on a regular basis.
These cookies are simply delicious. I went low carb nearly 2 years ago and have been searching for THE biscuit…my search is over!!! Thank you so much. I have to admit a little tweak due to lack of ingredient: I used 60g xylitol and half a tsp of molasses instead of the lakanto, but otherwise followed the recipe to the letter. Now to check out your other recipes…!
Great recipe. Although I have to say Lillys chocolate chips are hard and don’t get melted and creamy. So a better chip would be “ choc zero”. Order online.
Thanks for the recipe. Enjoyed it.
I did not follow the instructions and the cookies did not look like the recipe photo. They came out flat and grainy. However, they taste great!! Next time I’ll follow the instructions. 😉😊
The recipe is fascinating but I really resent having to print out three ADS imbedded in the printable recipe on my paper and work around them, to get to your words. Your words are tiny tiny because the ads take up all the space. RUDE
Sorry friend. If I could choose to have no ADS i would! I make this blog on the side for fun, but my ads are just on here so that I can pay for my hosting services, because that’s not free!!!
I would love to make these amazing looking cookies but I wonder if butter flavored coconut oil would work in place of the butter? Thank you for your wonderful recipes. Deborah
Hi Deborah! I think it WILL! You may have to use SLIGHTLY less though, and/OR refridgerate your dough if it’s too thin. I haven’t tried it myself, but I HAVE used Mykonos dairy free cultured butter as a replacement and it was AMAZING!! I had to refridgerate my dough for 5-10 minutes before rolling the dough balls though, because the water ratio is higher in Mykkonos dairy free butter than in regular butter. Regular butter (kerrygold at least) is 82% fat, and Mykonos was somehwere in the 72-79% region (sorry can’t remember off the top of my head hah!). Hope that helps! Let me know if you try it with coconut oil 🙂
Hi Charisse ,
I’m looking for brands in Canada. Lupin and vital wheat gluten. Any thoughts ? I tried on Amazon but no luck. So looking forward to trying your recipes. Thanks ☺️
I am sorry, I don’t know the canada brands. 🙁 I have had some people respond to my on instagram and tell me they found some substitutes. If I remember correctly the lupin brand i think it is that you can find in canada needs a slightly different amount of water! You might have to experiment a little bit. I DO distinctly remember someone saying they had success with different brands there!
I’m stubborn and used a 50/50 mix of monkfruit and allulose and it worked out perfectly! Added a couple grams of blackstrap molasses as well and the cookies came out perfectly! Perfect in shape and taste. Thanks!
YAY! Glad you liked it!!! I have done a mix as well too, and I find that refrigerating the dough can help with any spreading that is casused by allulose ! Not sure if you had that issue or not, but it sounds like you were happy with it – SO YAY!
Been cooking low carb & keto for years, and these are the best keto cookies I have made, by miles. Delicious, I’ll never miss the real thing again. Gonna try the chocolate (with cocoa) next time. Thank you for sharing these amazing results of what had to be many hours of trial and error.
Molly – I’m so happy to hear this!!!! 🙂 SO glad you like them! (happy, teary, heartfilled sniffles)….They’re kind of my pride and joy haha!
These cookies were amazing! I made a couple of modifications.
I know it says not to melt the butter, but I couldn’t help myself. Lol. I love the taste of brown butter and using melted butter instead of creaming the butter and sugar together made the cookies more chewy.
I also swapped out the Lakanto for brown allulose because I really really dislike the taste of erythritol.
I added about 1.5 grams of beef gelatin to make up for the structure and chewiness that allulose lacks when it cools. Cookies had amazing texture. I might up the gelatin to 3 grams next time. I think it can handle it.
Overall, great recipe!
Two days later and cooked these straight from frozen. EVEN BETTER! These cookies really do benefit from a rest period in the fridge or freezer.
Interesting! Would love to try this myself! Thank you for sharing! And I’m glad you liked them 🙂
and P.S. I Too am a sucker for browned butter! SO SO SO good. Whenever I make keto muffins, I HAVE to brown my butter 😉 Don’t know why I haven’t tried it with these cookies. In any case YUM DOING IT!!!!
I never write reviews on recipes, but holy smokes these are way too good to not write one. I love sugar but had to go on a low carb diet for health. I’ve tried many different keto chocolate chip cookies and this is by far the best recipe I’ve found, it’s been hard not eating all the cookies! Looking forward to trying your other recipes out!!
Hi Charisse, we loved these and will make again and again. Super good, thanks!
The taste of the cookies is lovely. I must have done something wrong though as they are flat….pancake flat but are tasty nonetheless. I followed the 2x recipe carefully, named them on the counter as you suggested. Maybe I over did the choc chips? I super enjoyed finding your use of Lupin flour p thanks for that’1
DO you have any recommendations for making these cookies at high altitude? Usual adjustments are a bit more liquid, a bit less leavening, a bit higher oven temp, and a bit shorter making time. Did any of your recipe testers live at altitude? Do you have any advice?
These cookies are such a treat! SO GOOD! The flavor is spot on, and I find they’re so filling I only want to eat one. I’m so glad I get to enjoy chocolate chip cookies again!
These are some seriously good chocolate chip cookies, no one would guess that they’re Keto! I’ll confess, I was tempted to put some xanthan gum in (because I have a problem leaving things alone, lol), but thought that the first time I made them I should stick to the recipe. So glad I didn’t, why mess with something that’s already nice and chewy? I made a double recipe, but did the x2 with the ingredients myself because I noticed that there’s a bug in the x2 and x3 buttons – the almond and lupin flours don’t adjust. So, anyone reading this, just be aware.
Thanks for the delicious recipe!
i cannot thank you enough for this recipe. They are truly amazing. Problem for me is, I seem to be allergic to lupin flour with severe digestive issues. I’m going to need to use all almond flour. I know the texture won’t be quite the same. Can you think of anything that would help please. I have looked for years for a copy Mrs Fields low carb recipe, don’t want to lose it because there isn’t anything else.
Hi! I was just wondering if you thought a dairy free butter or maybe Ghee would mess with the recipe to much? Thanks😊
Hi, these cookies look so delicious! I have an allergy to almonds and am wondering if I can replace the almond flour for another nut flour?
Thank you!!! These are soooo delicious! I’ve made them twice and they turned out perfectly each time. I find Keto baking very finicky but knowing what to pay attention to has made all the difference. Up next, I’ll be trying your Lupin Flour Pasta recipe. Fingers crossed you’ve also got a pizza dough recipe waiting in the wings…
Hello, I came across your recipe to make Lupin Flour pasta. I am a retired chef of 36 years, and I have diabetes. My wife is Italian and we love pasta. I have to quit making pasta with real flour too many carbs. Want to lower my A!C. First, thank you for giving us the recipe for free. I have made very little with lupin flour. I like your recipe as it does not have cheese in it. I have the three attachments for my KitchenAid mixer. Want to try recipe but where can I buy the brand, you use because on Amazon it is currently not available. Nor any place I look. Do you have a sub brand you use? Thank you for your reply..
After I went on a diet, this keto friendly cookies turned out to be my constant pal! Even my kids enjoy these cookies that I even have to make more for them.
After clicking the “print” layout button there are buttons “1X”, “2x”, “3x” to scale the recipe ingredients. But several of the ingredients don’t multiply correctly. Namely the butter, almond flour, and lupin flour stay at the same quantity regardless of the multiplier. I ruined 2 dozen cookies because of this glitch.
Amazing. I added macadamia nuts and sugar free unicorn white chocolate!
Followed recipe exactly and they turned out wonderful. So beautiful, wished I could share picture.
Thank you, can’t hardly wait to try making pasta.
Before I make these and the comments are wonderful, could someone please tell me the total carbs. The diet I am on uses total carbs not net carbs.
Thank you
I made these today. Wow, what an amazing recipe and delicious cookie! Hands down, the best low carb, sugar free cookie we have tried. My husband and I are both doing low carb….we really appreciate the thought and energy you put into this recipe, with clear and helpful instructions and tips. I am happy to say that I discovered Lupin flour for the first time when I made your awesome pasta recipe. Keep up the wonderful work!
I forgot to leave stars! I would give more if I could 🙂
These are absolutely the best chocolate chip keto cookies. I added flax seed and pecans. My mom even likes them and she doesn’t like chocolate chip cookies.
Thank you!
Mine are in the oven right now. I ended up with 13 cookies (baking half batch) for 10 minutes! My next question (I’m a diabetic) can I freeze the other half batch? I would love to be able to spread this decadent dessert over a month. Thanks for your hard work. I am hopeful this is my dream cookie too!
The diet plan I follow does not recognize net carbs. What are the full carb amounts, please. Thank you
Just made these last night. The edges were a little brown and I was worried that they would taste burnt but they came out great! The only question I have is that the cookies were still pretty puffy even after they cooled for a half hour. I’m not sure what I did to cause that but it didn’t affect the taste and they were very soft. I took a picture but I can’t seem to be able to attach it.
This is my go to keto chocolate chip cookie recipe! I’ve been making these for years. Just made some again today. Thanks for this treasure!
Did not ask for scale and measurements. I want to know the full carbs instead of net carbs. Thank you